On 11-10-16 we honored our recently deceased beloved Sir Knights at a Memorial Mass and Chalice Service at Our Lady of Fatima in Wilton. It was a beautiful tribute to our brothers who have paved the way for our Assembly and did so much for others. Thanks to our Faithful Friar Father Reggie Norman for his beautiful tribute and to all the Sir Knights of Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100! see link below for copy of Memorial Mass program.
- Bishop Fenwich Assembly 100 Memorial Mass 2016
- Bishop Fenwich Assembly 100 Memorial Mass 2016
- Bishop Fenwich Assembly 100 Memorial Mass 2016
- Bishop Fenwich Assembly 100 Memorial Mass 2016
Recently Deceased Sir Knights
SK William A Duncan
SK William Gumpper
SK Edward J Fraioli
SK Frederick E Kellogg
SK John G Wanat
SK Lawrence F Cafero
SK Edward J McGuinness
SK William A Genuario
SK Lawrence F Macaluso
SK Albert W Bertram
SK Robert M Caruso
SK Brian J Higgins
SK Richard J Karl
SK Edward T McGettigan
SK James C Terranova