- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
- Fan the Fire Youth Rally 2017
Three local Knights of Columbus Councils and Bishop Fenwick 4th Degree Assembly provide BBQ lunch for the Diocesan “Fan the Fire” Youth Rally
On Saturday, August 19th around 400 youth from the parishes in the Diocese of Bridgeport attended the Fan the Fire Youth Rally at St. Joseph’s High School in Trumbull. Fan the Fire® is a one day event designed to reach out to teens and help them to either deepen their relationship with Christ or discover it for the first time. The day consisted of a dynamic host, high-quality music, and talented local, regional and national Catholic youth speakers, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, confessions, contemporary Mass, concert, lunch and dinner.
Father Reggie Norman, Pastor for Our Lady of Fatima Church and Chaplain of Knights of Columbus Bishop Fenwick 4th Degree Assembly 100 reached out to Assembly 100 Faithful Navigator George Ribellino to see if the Assembly and Knights councils that make up the Assembly would be interested in sponsoring and hosting lunch for the youth. Ribellino said, “When Father Reggie mentioned this to me and what the youth rally was about, I said let me see what I can do!” Ribelllino brought this up to the 4th Degree Assembly and everyone jumped on board.
The lunch was sponsored by Knights of Columbus Bishop Fenwick 4th Degree Assembly No. 100 along with Norwalk councils St. Matthew #14360, Thomas J. Finn Council #46 and Wilton Our Lady of Fatima #12698. The menus consisted of hot dogs, hamburger, chips, water and lemonade. Since there was a tight schedule the Knights had to get everyone fed within an hour. Everyone was served within 20-25 minutes.
“I was so proud to see Brother Knights come together to plan and execute ad great meal for our youth, but we all got more joy seeing the youth of our diocese really enjoy a day of getting closer to Christ,” said Ribellino
The leftover food was donated to the St. Joseph’s High School Football team which was having summer scrimmages.