Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 honored Years of Service at Awards Dinner on Wednesday January 3, 2018
On Wednesday, January 3, 2018, Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 honored Year of Service to the 4th Degree with an Awards Dinner held at the Assembly Hall in Norwalk. Honorees included service from 25-65 years. The total was 1516 years of service from 38 Sir Knights. In addition, Faithful Friar Father Reggie Norman was honored for his service and support of the Assembly. Past Faithful Navigator William Berger was the chairperson for the dinner and was also an honoree for 45 years of service to the 4th Degree. “Worthy PFN Bill brought the idea of honoring the many years of service for our longest tenured Sir Knights and I thought it was a great idea so he ran with it and organized a great evening, said Faithful Navigator George Ribellino.
The dinner which was catered by Zody’s 19th Hole in Stamford was attended by 80 guests with 11 honorees attending with friends and family. Sir Knights, George Ribellino, Anthony Armentano, Chris O”Connor, Scott Criscuolo and FN George Ribellino”s daughter Mia. A huge thanks to Grand Knight Al Latte and the member of council 46 for letting the Assembly use the hall for the dinner.
God Bless all of the honorees. See below for those honored.