George Ribellino

Author's posts

Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 honored by the Supreme with Civic Award for promoting Patriotism and assisting our Veterans

  NORWALK, Conn. – Knights of Columbus’ Bishop Fenwick 4th Assembly #100 has been awarded the Supreme Council’s Civic Award. The Assembly is comprised of Fourth Degree Knights from various councils in Norwalk, Wilton and Westport. The Assembly was presented with the award by Connecticut District Master Allyn Temple at the Basilica of the Immaculate Conception in …

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Assembly 100 honors our veterans

During the weekend of December 15 and 16th Assembly 100 took part in 2 special occasions honoring our veterans.  On Saturday, December 15th, a few members of the Assembly attended the Wreaths Across America ceremony at Spring Hill Veterans Cemetery in Darien.   Wreaths were placed on the headstones of our deceased veterans.  This was able …

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Assembly 100 attends Diocese Of Bridgeport Special Needs Mass

As a joyful celebration of inclusion, Saint Catherine Center held its 2018 Mass Celebrating People with Special Needs on Sunday, December 2 in Fairfield! Bishop Frank J. Caggiano celebrated the Mass and as many as 15 young people from all over the diocese received Sacraments!  Members of the Assembly 100 Color Corps along with CT …

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Assembly 100 joins forces with local councils for the K of C Coats for Kids Initiative

The day after Thanksgiving has become known as “Black Friday”, with many shoppers rushing about in search of the best deals on everything from clothing to televisions. This Black Friday for the fourth consecutive year, some members of Knights of Columbus Council 14360 spent part of their day helping those with limited funds to stay …

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Assembly 100 honors our Veterans

Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 celebrated our veterans over the Veterans Day Weekend.  On Friday, November 9, 2018, members of the Color Corps joined Our Lady of Fatima Catholic School for their annual Veterans Day Mass and Assembly.  The Mass was celebrated by Faithful Friar and OLF church Pastor, Father Reggie and SK Father Damian.  Parent …

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Assembly 100 Sir Knights remembered at Annual Memorial Mass

On Monday, October 29, 2018 a beautiful 4th Degree Memorial Mass at Our Lady Of Fatima in Wilton, CT remembering 2 great Sir Knights who passed away over the last year; SK Joseph Huzina and SK and Past Faithful Navigator Patrick J. Finn.  Thanks to all the Sir Knights and families for attending the solemn …

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46 Sir Knights Exemplified in Willimantic, CT on Sunday, October 21st

On Saturday, October 21, 2018, 46 new Sir Knights were exemplified at St Joseph Church in Willimantic, CT.     Five members of Assembly 100 assisted with the exemplification.  SK Paul Niche is the Captain of the Degree Team and Defender of the Faith and SK Anthony Armentano is the Registrar on the Degree team as well.  …

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Assembly 100 Marches in 1st Norwalk Columbus Day Parade

Check out the video below: Norwalk’s Italian-American community celebrated its heritage during a Columbus Day parade along West Avenue in Norwalk on Oct. 7. The event took place this year  after plans for a 2017 Columbus Day parade fizzled for logistical reasons. The parade route, from Wall Street to Heritage Wall, was a joint effort …

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Assembly 100 participates in Papal Honors Vespers Service-Diocese of Bridgeport

September 29,2018-Assembly members were honored to be a part of the Papal Honors Vespers Service. God Bless all of the recipients. BRIDGEPORT– In a joyful and reverent Evening Vespers Service lifted by the music of the Diocesan Youth Choir and the Latin Schola of St. Augustine Cathedral, Bishop Frank Caggiano conferred Papal Honors on 20 …

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Members of Assembly 100 participate in Annual Diocesan Blue Mass

    Bagpipes played a reverent tune at the annual diocesan Blue Mass honoring fire, police and first responders who serve the diocese. The Mass was held on Sunday, September 9 at 10:30 am at St. Joseph Church in Danbury in solemn commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the terrorist attacks on the U.S. on …

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