Author's posts
Nov 13 2017
Assembly 100 honors fallen Sir Knights at Memorial Mass
Members and families remember fellow Sir Knights at a beautiful Mass at Our Lady of Fatima in Wilton on Monday, November 13, 2017. The Mass was celebrated by Faithful Friar SK Reggie Norman and Sir Knight Father Damian Pielesz. There was also a Knights Honor Guard led by Color Corps Commander Scott Criscuolo. As the Assembly …
Nov 12 2017
Assembly 100 helps honor veterans at American Legion Post 12 Recognition Dinner
About 25 Sir Knights and families attended the Second Annual American Legion Post 12 (Norwalk) Veterans Recognition Dinner with former Navy Seal Carl Higbie as the guest speaker. Carl was appointed by the White House in August 2017 to the Corporation for National and Community Service. Great to see local Veterans programs appreciated and supported. …
Nov 06 2017
Assembly 100 enjoyed a busy and rewarding weekend (11-4-17-11-5-17)
Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 was honored to serve in colors for 4 great events over the weekend. On Saturday November 4th, Color Corps Commander Scott Criscuolo and Faithful Navigator George Ribellino were in colors for the Mass of Installation of Father Jeff Couture as new Pastor of St. Francis of Assisi in Weston, CT. On …
Nov 05 2017
Assembly 100 serves in colors for the Mass For People With Disabilities At St. Catherine
The annual Mass to celebrate people with disabilities held on November 5 was hosted by St. Catherine Center for Special Needs in Fairfield. The Sir Knights from Assembly 100 were honored to serve as a honor guard for the Mass It has been customary at this Mass to offer the opportunity for individuals to receive …
Nov 01 2017
Assembly 100 on the Supreme website
Oct 09 2017
Columbus Day Celebrated in Norwalk
On Sunday, October 9. 2017, Columbus Day and Italian Heritage was celebrated at St. Ann Club in Norwalk. This has been a tradition or many years for the ceremony to take place at Heritage Wall on West Ave in Norwalk. Due to inclement weather for the 2nd straight year, the ceremony was moved to the …
Oct 04 2017
Assembly 100 Officers installed for the 2017-2018 fraternal year
Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 held the installation of Assembly officers on Wednesday, October 4, 2017. Former District Master Charlie Sullivan installed the officers with assistance from his wife Vivian, SK Lou Imperato and FN George Ribellino’s daughter Mia. At the conclusion the officers and Assembly members enjoyed refreshments. Below are the officers for the …
Sep 26 2017
Assembly 100 represents Diocese of Bridgeport at Pilgrimage to Washington D. C.
“What are you looking for? What is it that you see?” the Bishop said to begin his homily, noting that it was a question that Jesus asked his disciples. “It is a question that roots each of our lives and one we bring to this sacred space,” the bishop said, reassuring worshippers that the Blessed …
Sep 15 2017
Assembly 100 takes part in honoring First Responders at Annual Diocese Blue Mass at St. Matthew Church
“What unites us in Christ is greater than what could divide us…” It was an honor to be the host Assembly for the Annual Diocesan Blue Mass honoring fire, police and rescue workers that was celebrated at the 12Noon Mass at St. Matthew on Sunday, September 10, 2017. “When there is an emergency, you don’t …
Sep 09 2017
Mass Remembers Those Lost in September 11th Attacks
In a solemn outdoor ceremony held on Saturday morning, September 9th on the beautiful grounds of Notre Dame Health & Rehabilitation Center in Norwalk, members of Knights of Columbus Bishop Fenwick 4th Degree Assembly were joined by their families as well as residents and staff of Notre Dame at a special Mass in remembrance of those who …