Author's posts
May 04 2017
Assembly 100 Welcomes 7 New Members to the 4th Degree
Congratulations to newest members of Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 listed below. They were exemplified on Sunday, 4-30-17 at St. Mary’s Church in New Haven which is the birthplace of the order. We are honored to have these fine men join the ranks of the 4th Degree. May God Bless them and their families. New Sir …
Feb 05 2017
Assembly 100 wins the 2016-2017 Knights of Columbus Civic Award
Congrats to the Sir Knights of Bishop Fenwick Assembly for winning the 2016-2017 Civic Award! The award was presented to Faithful Navigator George Ribellino by District Master Allyn Temple at the 4th Degree Masters meeting in Brookfield on Sunday, February 5th! The Civic Award is presented annually as a tribute to the spirit of patriotism …
Feb 01 2017
Assembly 100 fills a car with supplies for Homes for the Brave
Assembly 100 welcomed fellow Sir Knight and CEO Vince Santilli from Homes of the Brave in Bridgeport to the February 2, 2017 meeting by filling up his SUV vehicle with supplies from the Assembly members. Homes for the Brave has provided safe housing, vocational training, job placement, and life skills coaching to help more than …
Jan 21 2017
Assembly 100 Visits Knights Museum in New Haven
Great outing at the Knights of Columbus Museum on Saturday, January 21, 2017 with Council 14360 and the St. Matthew Catholic Daughters for a post- Christmas tour of the crèches from Germany and the decorated Christmas Trees from Catholic schools around the state. We also enjoyed pizza, salad and dessert. Thanks for the hospitality of …
Jan 15 2017
Assembly 100 attends the CT State Council Annual Pro Life Mass
Faithful Navigator and District Deputy George Ribellino and Color Corps Commander Scott Criscuolo represented Assembly 100 at the CT State Council Annual Pro-Life Mass which took place on Sunday, January 15, 2017. Archbishop Blair was the celebrant and spoke about the sanctity and respect of human life. A Baby Shower for Unwed Mothers was held …
Dec 28 2016
Assembly 100 Bring Christmas Cheer to our Veterans
Our Assembly was honored to be one of the sponsors and to join our Brothers from Gen Philip Sheridan Assembly 107 to deliver Christmas presents to our veterans at the West Haven VA early this morning. It is the least we can do for the men and women who served to keep us safe. Merry …