Category: Color Guard

Palm Sunday Mass at St Matthew

Our 4th Degree Color Corps took part in the Palm Sunday Noon Mass and procession with Diocese of Bridgeport Bishop Frank Caggiano , to dedicate “Our Lady of the Visitation Chapel” at St. Matthew Church. The Chapel offers 24/7 access to Simple Exposition and is de- signed for people to visit the Lord 24/7.

Assembly 100 celebrates Columbus Day

Assembly 100 took part in a Columbus Day celebration at the St Ann Club in Norwalk. Knights celebrate Columbus Day, knowing that our namesake gave voice to generations of Catholics, and helped pave a path for our diverse society.

Assembly 100 participates in Diocese of Bridgeport Annual Blue Mass

5 members of our Color Corps took part in the Annual Diocese of Bridgeport Blue Mass at St Catherine of Siena/St Agnes Parish in Greenwich. It was a beautiful tribute to those first responders who protect us and keep us safe each and every day. God Bless them and God Bless America! Thanks at Diocese …

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Assembly 100 take part Two 20th Anniversary 9-11 Masses

1st 9-11 Memorial Event today at the 8am Mass at Our Lady of Fatima in Wilton. Father-Reginald Norman gave a beautiful homily. “Let us remember our fallen ones this day and the sacrifice for those that saved so many. Let us go about our business day by day being Christians united in love. Christ asked …

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Assembly 100 provides Color Guard for UNH Football game

Assembly 100 Faithful Navigator George Ribellino and CT District Co-Marshall/Faithful Captain Scott Criscuolo along with Assembly 2459 members Color Corps Commander Frank Quadrino and Joseph Sean Aparicio provided a Color Guard for the first University of New Haven Chargers Football game of the 2021 season. FN George and DM/FC Scott Criscuolo are UNH Alums from …

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Our Lady of Fatima unveils new Altar and Crucifix

Assembly 100 was honored to take part in the Mass to consecrate the new Altar and sanctuary at Our Lady of Fatima Parish in Wilton. A great turnout for our Faithful Friar Father Reggie Norman. The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Caggiano.

Assembly 100 takes part in 9-11 Memorial Ceremony

A beautiful 9-11 Memorial Ceremony celebrated by Faithful Friar Father-Reginald Norman. The ceremony took place at the Our Lady of Fatima Memorial Garden. Praying for all those lost on that tragic day. Assembly 100 provided an Honor Guard for this solemn event.

Assembly 100 participates in the Annual Flag Placing event and Shea McGrath Ceremony in Norwalk

Norwalk-KofC Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 was so honored to be a part of the Annual Flag placing at St John Cemetery.   Thanks King Industries for sponsoring the event.  Hundreds of people met at St. Johns Cemetery Saturday to lay flags on grave sites and remember those who have helped protect our freedom. Volunteers placed flags …

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Assembly 100 honored to serve in colors for the Diocese of Bridgeport Divine Mercy Mass celebrated by Bishop Caggiano

On Sunday, April 28, members of the Bishop Fenwick Assembly 100 Color Corps provided an honor guard for the annual Diocese of Bridgeport Divine Mercy Mass at St. Augustine Cathedral in Bridgeport. Mercy is not simply teaching and preaching the truth, it is about becoming ‘believable messengers’ who represent the living presence of God’s love …

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Assembly 100 marches in 4th Annual Norwalk Emerald Society St. Patrick’s Day Parade

Assembly 100 was honored to march in Norwalk Police Emerald Society St Patrick’s Day Parade on Saturday, March 9, 2019.  Great job by the Norwalk Police Emerald Society for organizing a great day.  God Bless all of our police, fire and first responders. Thanks to all the Sir Knights who took part in the parade.  …

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